Technical Hitch
Just when I thought I'd got things the way I wanted, they went wrong!
I had a message from somebody on a Forum I go to that they were having problems getting on the blog and it was closing IE down every time she opened the it. Well, things seemed to be ok at this end. I don't use Internet Explorer, I use Mozzilla Firefox as my browser so it all looked ok.
My friend on MSN tried it for me and she had the same problem, but I could still open it up ok. Anyway, I tried IE and the same thing happened. I also noticed that the links and profile were right down the bottom of the page for some reason.
So, I've spent a couple of hours this morning having a bit of a play and trying to get things right again. I've taken off some of the buttons I added the other day in case they were the problem. Things look ok on Firefox, but the links are still at the bottom of the page on IE
I'd appreciate your feedback, so if you can leave a comment when you've done that'd be great!