Monday, July 17, 2006


Its always difficult to think of a name for these things. The reason I chose this one was because I always knit alone (well apart from hubby at the side of me or somewhere!). Apart from a bit of a crash refresher course last year from my mother in law, everything I've done has been just me. Unless you count the internet. Its great thing, just type in something you aren't sure of in Google and you find it most of the time. The same goes for support from other knitters or stitchers, there is always a forum of people who can help out. So, I suppose I'm not really alone am I?

I started knitting just a year ago. The first thing I knitted was Popcorn Bear from Designer Stitches. Not an easy first project, the stitching up is harder afterwards, which is why its still in bits in the bag it came in I'm afraid.

I think the next thing I knitted was a poncho. Knitted in Pattons Coast (i think) it didn't take long to do and I soon had the bug. People got scarves for Christmas (even though they might not have wanted one!). I've knitted a few bags, just finished my first Clapotis and pair of socks all in a year.

My first crafty love is cross stitch. I've been stitching since I was about 14. Starting off with tapestries at first, I don't remember cross stitch being as popular at the time. It certainly wasn't cool to stitch at that age, so I always kept it quiet. I haven't done a tapestry for years but do enjoy cross stitch. I could probably start my own ebay store with the amount of stash I've got. Its all getting saved for my retirement in another 30 odd years!

I've also tried card making, stamping, mosaic and encaustic art but I think that knitting and stitching will be the things I stick with.

Anyway, I'm going to upload some pics of stuff I've done and post again another day, hope you like what you see


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